Algebra 01
150 جنية
Algebra-lesson-1:SolvingQuadrticInOnneVariable part-1
Algebra lesson-1:Solving Quadratic Equation In One Variable part-2
Algebra Unit One -Home Work For Lesson-1 part-1
Algebra Unit One -Home Work For Lesson-1 part-2
تدريب حل المعادلات باستخدام الالة الحاسبة
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part1 )
Algebra -unit1 Lesson 2 complex numbers part2
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part3
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part4
Algebra -u1-3rd lesson the type of roots of Quadratic equation part1
Algebra -u1-3rd lesson the type of roots of Quadratic equation part2
Algebra-Exercise(3)-Determining the types of routes of a quadratic equations
Alg. Formating quadratic equation Ex5 p1
Alg. Formating quadratic equation Ex5 p2
Algebra -Exercise(6) Sign of a Function
Trigonometry 01
150 جنية
Trigonometry - lesson1-Directed angles part1
Exercise -1-Directed Angles and system for measuring angles - part2
Exercise -1-Directed Angles and system for measuring angles - part1
Trigonometry unit 1 lesson1 The Directed Angles part2
Trigonometry -L2-Trigonometric Funcution
Trigonometry -Sign of Trigonometric Funcution
Trig. Related angle Ex3
Trig. The General solution
trigonometry-general solution&-graph trigonometric functionns
unit 1 : Complex numbers
200 جنية
test complex no 1
test complex no 3
test complex no 2
Geometry 01
150 جنية
Geometry -unit 1 - Lesson 2 - similarity of triangles part1
Geometry -unit 1 - Lesson 2 - similarity of triangles part2
Geo-u1-Ex2-Similarity of Triangles
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of polygons
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of triangles part2
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of triangles part3
Geometry - unit1 -Ex 3 The relation between the areas of two similar polygons
Geo. Application of similarity of the circle Ex 4
Geo. Application of similarity of the circle
Geo. Power of a point with respect to a circle
Gemetry - unit 2 Parallel Lines theorems 1&2
Gemetry - unit 2- Ex 5- Parallel Lines theorems 1&2
Gemetry - unit 2 - Angle bisector-theorems 3
0 جنية
Geometry - unit 1 -lesson 1 - similarity of polygons
free lesson
Trigonometry -Exercise 2 -Trigonometric Funcution
Trig. Related angle
Algebra 01
150 جنية
Algebra-lesson-1:SolvingQuadrticInOnneVariable part-1
Algebra lesson-1:Solving Quadratic Equation In One Variable part-2
Algebra Unit One -Home Work For Lesson-1 part-1
Algebra Unit One -Home Work For Lesson-1 part-2
تدريب حل المعادلات باستخدام الالة الحاسبة
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part1 )
Algebra -unit1 Lesson 2 complex numbers part2
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part3
Algebra - complex numbers unit1 Lesson 2 part4
Algebra -u1-3rd lesson the type of roots of Quadratic equation part1
Algebra -u1-3rd lesson the type of roots of Quadratic equation part2
Algebra-Exercise(3)-Determining the types of routes of a quadratic equations
Alg. Formating quadratic equation Ex5 p1
Alg. Formating quadratic equation Ex5 p2
Algebra -Exercise(6) Sign of a Function
Trigonometry 01
150 جنية
Trigonometry - lesson1-Directed angles part1
Exercise -1-Directed Angles and system for measuring angles - part2
Exercise -1-Directed Angles and system for measuring angles - part1
Trigonometry unit 1 lesson1 The Directed Angles part2
Trigonometry -L2-Trigonometric Funcution
Trigonometry -Sign of Trigonometric Funcution
Trig. Related angle Ex3
Trig. The General solution
trigonometry-general solution&-graph trigonometric functionns
Geometry 01
150 جنية
Geometry -unit 1 - Lesson 2 - similarity of triangles part1
Geometry -unit 1 - Lesson 2 - similarity of triangles part2
Geo-u1-Ex2-Similarity of Triangles
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of polygons
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of triangles part2
Geometry - unit1 -Exercise 1 - similarity of triangles part3
Geometry - unit1 -Ex 3 The relation between the areas of two similar polygons
Geo. Application of similarity of the circle Ex 4
Geo. Application of similarity of the circle
Geo. Power of a point with respect to a circle
Gemetry - unit 2 Parallel Lines theorems 1&2
Gemetry - unit 2- Ex 5- Parallel Lines theorems 1&2
Gemetry - unit 2 - Angle bisector-theorems 3
0 جنية
Geometry - unit 1 -lesson 1 - similarity of polygons
free lesson
Trigonometry -Exercise 2 -Trigonometric Funcution
Trig. Related angle
unit 1 : Complex numbers
200 جنية
test complex no 1
test complex no 3
test complex no 2